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6:00 pm - Welcome dinner


10:00 am - Social Justice and Education thru the Ages: A discussion with activists Glenn Hawkes, and sons, Elijah and Jesse Hawkes, at the Rochester Public Library,  All are invited to a picnic and potluck at Wing farm following the discussion.Vermonters may know Glenn when he lived in Moretown and created the Ward Brook Center for Reparations in Montpelier.  He has been living near Boston in recent years and is director of Rwandans and Americans in Partnership.  We’ve invited him to join us at the Gathering with his two remarkable sons. Elijah was a principal at Randolph High School, and is author of several books on education. He applied for the recent open position in the Scott Administration for Secretary of Education, but the job was given to an outsider active in Charter Schools. Jesse, meanwhile, has done crusading work in Rwanda and is Director of Global Youth Connect. This should be a fascinating morning of conversation.


12:00 pm - Picnic lunch at Wing Farm

2:00 pm - Talk with Michael Ippolito, educator from Boston

4:00 pm - Discussion with veteran John Moody about finding precious remains in Vietnam and Abenaki land (not confirmed)

6:00 pm - Dinner

7:00 pm - Non-violent communication with Eileen Kurkoski

The second part if the week is dedicated to activism incited by ideas from this spring’s Commission on the Status of Women, the United Nations largest and oldest yearly civil society gathering in NYC. There we heard about the call by Secretary General Guterres for a Summit for the Future September 22-23 in NYC and learned that International WILPF has been meeting and planning to have input on the outcome documents and activities for the Pact for the Future.

nothing planned

Thursday - Retreat day for Summit of the Future

10:00 am - Introducing ourselves to each other: Why are we interested in the Summit For the Future?

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 - 3:00 pm -  walking around, napping, swimming…

3:00 pm - Sharing our experiences with Intl organizatiions: CSW, Intl WILPF Congresses, Nuclear Non-Proliferation conferences, etc...

6:00 pm - Dinner

7:00 pm - Brainstorming design thinking session about the Summit For the Future


8:00 am - Breakfast

9:00 am - Video: The Future in our Pockets produced by Women Money and Democracy: facilitated by Ginger Harris

10:30 am - No To NATO: Report on protest at the big NATO Whoop-de-do in Washington in July and future plans. Paki and Nancy

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:30 pm - Laurie Larsen: Geo-engineering/the Weaponization of Weather

3:30 pm - Mock presentation of the Side event we proposed for the Summit For the Future

5:00 - 6:00 pm Swimming etc and cooking

6:30 pm - Delicious Persian dinner cooked by Tara and others

Saturday (times to be determined)

10:00 am - What is really happening in Venezuela? With Jill Clark-Golub

1:00 pm - The Lloyd Legacy with Robin and Jan Corderman

2:30 pm - Report on Developments on the US Board of WILPF and DEI with Eileen, Ginger, and Nancy


10:00 am - Evaluation and future projects

Departure by 4:00 pm

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